Sandra Żukowska


Passenger transport as exemplified by the local-authority areas around the Vistula Lagoon: challenges and problems

Sandra Żukowska, Beata Chmiel, Martyna Sydorów

Przegląd Geograficzny (2024) tom 96, zeszyt 2, pp. 209-233 | Full text

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The importance of the transport sector to socio-economic development is beyond dispute – as was made clear in Poland from 2004 onwards. Access to the European market has combined with the influence of European regulations on the operation of freight and passenger transport to make possible both the modernisation of this sector of the economy and regulation of the ownership of once-state-owned PKS and PKP companies in bus and rail transport. Nevertheless, this has not contributed to a reversal of a negative trend entailing a decline in regional public collective transport by either bus or rail. The less-developed and peripheral regions were disconnected from public transport (PT) in the 1990s a circumstance that intensified their marginalisation and slowed their socio-economic development. Particularly acute for rural communities was the inability to commute to work, school, or the nearest district town. The phenomenon of lack of access to transport is called transport exclusion. Its occurrence correlates positively with the prevalence of social exclusion more widely, as well as unemployment or social problems related to the prevalence of alcoholism and violence.

In this publication, the authors examined the difficulties associated with the operation of PT in an area threatened by marginalisation in Poland. A case study method was used, for which the region of the Vistula Lagoon, which is located in north-eastern Poland, was selected. The region has a typically agricultural character, with potential for the development of tourism services. The authors analysed available strategic and planning documents at local, regional, provincial and national levels, the resulting qualitative analysis allowing them to identify difficulties and challenges in the functioning of PT. A SWOT Analysis matrix was then created on their basis. Directions for corrective measures were also identified using available literature.

The studied region is mainly covered by rail and, to a minor extent, by bus (coach) transport. An analysis of the timetables of transport operators revealed the presence of “white spots”, i.e. towns that are not reached by any PT. The largest numbers of connections characterise cities (Elbląg, Tolkmicko, Braniewo and Nowy Dwór Gdański), as well as larger towns located near main arterial roads. The number of connections is greatest between the Tri-City agglomeration (Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot), and Elbląg and Nowy Dwór Gdański. However, connections between the larger cities are subject to a reduction in the number of runs at weekends, aggravating the problem of transport exclusion. In addition, certain lines and runs are seasonal, meaning that they may be missing from the timetable in the autumn-to-spring part of the year.

At provincial/regional level, the Vistula Lagoon region falls within the administrative borders of the two Polish voivodeships of Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. On the one hand, that might represent an advantage due to the greater influence of the two voivodeships on investment or fundraising planned at the national level. Equally, this circumstance may contribute to stagnation, due to a lack of agreement between the regional authorities. Interaction between the latter offers a guarantee of PT development and should therefore be given priority. The main advantage is the diversification of funding sources for specific new developments, e.g. of infrastructure. However, there are valid concerns about the relatively low capacity of regional railways, the poor condition of roads, and insufficiently identified needs of passengers as regards their transport. This is linked to the major spread of private carriers. Passengers are also challenged by poor availability of information and outdated rolling stock (fleets) – circumstances that obviously affect the quality of the service. A number of practical solutions have therefore been proposed, not least an intensification of cooperation between local and regional authorities in developing a common transport policy and upgrading existing transport infrastructure or even building anew. Also considered are the pursuit of integrated passenger-information systems, efforts to increase the digital competences among older people, or promotion of the use of PT in intermodal travel. Further aspects highlighted here are the weaknesses of certain solutions, which though appropriate are not cost-effective, such as the implementation of ITS, mobile applications, or the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept.

The main conclusion from the analysis concerns the classification of the Vistula Lagoon region as a marginalised and transport-excluded area. The selected example includes all determinants of an excluded area, but there are still remedial measures that can be taken – as identified via the SWOT analysis. It should be noted that many of these idea are universal in nature, with the barrier to their implementation usually residing in a lack of funding sources rather than a lack of political will on the part of local or regional authorities.

Keywords: regional transport, transport exclusion, social marginalization, socio-economic exclusion, Vistula Lagoon, Poland

Sandra Żukowska [], Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
Beata Chmiel [], Uniwersytet Gdański, Katedra Transportu i Handlu Morskiego
Martyna Sydorów [], Uniwersytet Gdański, Instytut Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej


APA: Żukowska, S., Chmiel, B., & Sydorów, M. (2024). Transport pasażerski na przykładzie gmin Zalewu Wiślanego: wyzwania i problemy. Przegląd Geograficzny, 96(2), 209-233.
MLA: Żukowska, Sandra, et al. "Transport pasażerski na przykładzie gmin Zalewu Wiślanego: wyzwania i problemy". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 96, no. 2, 2024, pp. 209-233.
Chicago: Żukowska, Sandra, Chmiel, Beata, and Sydorów, Martyna. "Transport pasażerski na przykładzie gmin Zalewu Wiślanego: wyzwania i problemy". Przegląd Geograficzny 96, no. 2 (2024): 209-233.
Harvard: Żukowska, S., Chmiel, B., & Sydorów, M. 2024. "Transport pasażerski na przykładzie gmin Zalewu Wiślanego: wyzwania i problemy". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 209-233.