Przegląd Geograficzny (2023) tom 95, zeszyt 2


Analysis of cloud cover on the 2013‑2020 Landsat 8 imagery as an assessment of its usefulness in monitoring of the High-Arctic tidewater glacier

Marcin Nowak, Kamil Czarnecki

Przegląd Geograficzny (2023) tom 95, zeszyt 2, pp. 127-147 | Full text

Further information


In many parts of the world, glaciers are the main source of water supply for hundreds of millions of people, a source of electricity generation or an element responsible for the local structure of flora and fauna. It is recognized that the dynamics of the mass balance of glaciers are an early response to the currently observed climate change, associated with long-term industrial and post-industrial activities. Due to the location of glaciers and difficult direct access to them, research expeditions are exposed to high costs associated with ensuring safety and logistics, as well as supplying them with equipment necessary to conduct research. The example of the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to additional, previously unforeseen difficulties with the organization of research expeditions. In relation to the above, remote methods of obtaining data on glaciers, including widely used remote sensing methods, are becoming extremely important. The polar areas that accumulate most of the ice on the Earth are observed with selected satellites much more often than areas located in moderate and low latitudes. This is due to the overlapping of successive acquisition paths towards the poles. The shortened time interval between acquisitions creates potentially high possibilities of using this data.

Landsat and Sentinel satellites are optical sensors. They acquire images passively, which means that they record solar radiation reflected and re-emitted by the Earth’s surface. One of the greatest limitation in the use of this type of sensors is the cloud cover, which obscures the area and prevents further analysis. In the most cases, working with images that contain cloud cover is impossible or very difficult. Cloud cover also limits the possibilities of correct georeferencing of images, which may be an additional factor reducing their suitability for use. The main aim of the work is to evaluate the usefulness of Landsat 8 images in monitoring the frontal zone of the Aavatsmarkbreen by analyzing the cloud cover on the imagery covering its area.

The Aavatsmarkbreen is a tidewater glacier located in the Kaffiøyra region, in the north-west part of Spitsbergen (Svalbard). On the basis of modern research capabilities it has an area of 73 km2 and terminates in the Hornbæk Bay with about 4 km wide and 40 m high ice cliff (Lankauf 2002, Sobota 2021). Since the end of the Little Ice Age, area of the frontal part of Aavatsmarkbreen decreased by about 72%. The Area Of Interest extent was presented on the Figure 4. It covers the terminus zone of the Aavatsmarkbreen and was defined using a 300 m buffer (i.e. 10 Landsat 8 OLI pixels) to the west, north and south of the maximum extent of tongue observed in 2013-2020 period (late surge phase, 9th July 2015) and 1000 m to the east (up-glacier direction) of minimum extent in the same period (1st October 2020). AOI covers area of 12.45 km2 , i.e. 13,838 of 30 m Landsat 8 OLI pixels.

Dataset used in the current work consists of all of the Landsat 8 scenes available for download at USGS service that meet following criteria: (A) were acquired from the beginning of the mission (2013) to the end of 2020, and (B) cover the entire area of interest (AOI). Such specified dataset consists of 868 images. Detailed characteristic of it, concerning time and geometry (WRS-2 path and row) of acquisition is given in table 1 and table 2. AOI visibility on each image was calculated using Quality Assessment Band (QA) which constitute an integral part of the Landsat 8 dataset. QA consists of several pixels with values containing information about their content and thus also possible cloudiness. Pixels which correspond to a high concentration of ice or snow and “clean terrain” were used. For each image, a reclassification was performed, in which pixels with the values 2720, 2724, 2728, 2732 appropriate for the “clean terrain” attribute and 3744, 3748, 3752, 3756 corresponding to a high concentration of snow and ice with a low probability of cloudiness were considered as visible terrain. Details of pixels values was presented in table 4. The ratio of the number of such pixels to all pixels overlapping the AOI was then calculated. For each image, the percentage of visible terrain was obtained. These values are grouped into AOI visibility classes.

Of all the satellite scenes available for download, only 176 (approx. 20,0%) contained fully visible terrain, and therefore suitable for further use. As many as 59.1% of the images were covered with clouds in over 95%. The largest amount of satellite data was recorded in 2018-2020, which was the result of the introduction of the ascending scenes of the Landsat 8 program. Similarly, the distinction of the total visibility class largely contributed to the years 2018-2020, but the annual percentage value of the share of the Fully visible class in relation to the total number of imagery in the analysed years did not show major deviations. In the monthly division, the largest number of images was recorded in the summer, while the value of the share of completely visible scenes at that time was the lowest (it did not exceed 15% of all scenes). The dominant class were scenes completely covered with clouds, whose variability in individual months ranged from just over 42% to more than 70%. In the annual distribution of useful imagery, the most stable situation occurred in 2018-2020 (Fig. 8). Fully useful scenes covered mainly the spring period (March, April and May), which determines the cyclone activity in Svalbard (Fig. 7). At almost equal intervals, scenes of the Fully visible class were recorded. Based on the basic knowledge of Svalbard’s climate, the results obtained were considered reliable, but the usefulness status of satellite imagery was found to be unsatisfactory. A valuable addition to the presented study was the comparison of the results of the visibility of the area on the analysed images to the course of meteorological conditions with the weather station located in Ny-Ålesund, located about 30 km from the AOI. The share of all imagery was compared with the daily and monthly cloudiness recorded at the Station.

In conclusion, the work focused on the analysis of satellite images, for which cloudiness is the main factor limiting the potential possibilities of their use in the described glaciological studies. It is also worth remembering that one area was included in the work – the frontal zone of the Aavatsmarkbreen. The study omitted glaciers from other areas of the Earth where climatic conditions could have influenced different results.

Keywords: Landsat 8, Quality Assessment Band, cloud cover, usefulness of the imagery, the Arctic, Kaffiøyra

Marcin Nowak [], Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Centrum Badań Polarnych
Kamil Czarnecki [], Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Centrum Badań Polarnych


APA: Nowak, M., & Czarnecki, K. (2023). Analiza zachmurzenia na zobrazowaniach Landsat 8 w latach 2013‑2020 jako ocena stopnia ich przydatności w monitoringu arktycznych lodowców. Przegląd Geograficzny, 95(2), 127-147.
MLA: Nowak, Marcin, and Czarnecki, Kamil. "Analiza zachmurzenia na zobrazowaniach Landsat 8 w latach 2013‑2020 jako ocena stopnia ich przydatności w monitoringu arktycznych lodowców". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, 2023, pp. 127-147.
Chicago: Nowak, Marcin, and Czarnecki, Kamil. "Analiza zachmurzenia na zobrazowaniach Landsat 8 w latach 2013‑2020 jako ocena stopnia ich przydatności w monitoringu arktycznych lodowców". Przegląd Geograficzny 95, no. 2 (2023): 127-147.
Harvard: Nowak, M., & Czarnecki, K. 2023. "Analiza zachmurzenia na zobrazowaniach Landsat 8 w latach 2013‑2020 jako ocena stopnia ich przydatności w monitoringu arktycznych lodowców". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 127-147.

The Z-R relationships for different types of precipitation as a tool for radar-based precipitation estimation

Mariusz Paweł Barszcz, Tomasz Stańczyk, Andrzej Brandyk

Przegląd Geograficzny (2023) tom 95, zeszyt 2, pp. 149-162 | Full text

Further information


An alternative to the use of rain gauges as sources of precipitation data is provided by laser disdrometers, which inter alia allow for high‑temporal‑resolution measurement of the reflectivity (Z) and intensity (R) of precipitation. In the study detailed here, an OTT Parsivel1 laser disdrometer located at the Meteorological Station of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) generated the 95,459 Z-R data pairs recorded across 1‑min time intervals that were subject to further study. Included values for the reflectivity and instantaneous intensity of precipitation were found to be in the respective ranges of ‑9.998‑67.898 dBZ and 0.004‑153.519 mm h1 (given that values for precipitation intensity below 0.004 mm h1 were excluded from further consideration). The material obtained covered the months from April to October in the years 2012‑2014 and 2019‑2020 (30 months in total), which were selected for the study due to the completeness of data.

The measured reflectivity and intensity data for precipitation were used to establish the relationship pertaining between the two (by reference to descriptive parameters a and b), with such results considered to contribute to the improved calibration of meteorological radars, and hence to more‑accurate radar‑based estimates of amounts of precipitation.

The Z-R relationship as determined for all measurement data offered a first step in the research process, whose core objective was nevertheless to determine separate Z-R relationships for datasets on rain, rain with snow (sleet), and snow (given that precipitation in the form of hail did not occur during the surveyed measurement periods).

That said, it is important to note that only a few Polish studies have in any way involved disdrometer‑based measurement of precipitation reflectivity and intensity, as well as the relationships between these aspects. In the event, the Z-R relationships obtained for the measurement sets were characterised by high values for coefficients of correlation (in the range 0.96‑0.97) and determination, as well as low values for the root mean‑square error (ranging from 0.29 to 0.34). Statistics point to a good fit of the Z-R relationships (regression lines) to the specified datasets.

Values noted for parameter a (the multiplier in the power‑type Z-R relationship) were seen to differ significantly in relation to rain, rain with snow, and snow, being of 285.56, 776.07 and 914.74 respectively. In contrast, values noted for parameter b (the exponent) varied only across the narrow range of 1.47‑1.62.

The obtained research results for parameter a indicate the need to consider ZR relationships matched to specific types of precipitation in the data processing procedure of radar data. This could increase the accuracy of estimating precipitation amounts using radars belonging to the nationwide POLRAD system. The relationships Z = 285.56R1.47 for rainfall (as the dataset’s dominant type of precipitation), as well as Z = 293.76R1.46 for all data, proved highly similar to the classic relationship obtained for convective rainfall by Hunter (1996), as given by Z = 300R1.4. On the other hand, the values of the a parameter in the Z-R relationships fond for the two datasets proved to be much larger than those in the model developed by Marshall and Palmer (1948), which took the form Z = 200R1,6 and has been the relationship used in Poland as radar images are created.

Keywords: laser disdrometer, reflectivity and intensity of precipitation, Z-R relationship, meteorological radar, hydrology

Mariusz Paweł Barszcz [], Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska
Tomasz Stańczyk [], Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska
Andrzej Brandyk [], Centrum Wodne


APA: Barszcz, M., Stańczyk, T., & Brandyk, A. (2023). Zależności Z-R dla różnych typów opadów jako narzędzie do radarowego szacowania wielkości opadów. Przegląd Geograficzny, 95(2), 149-162.
MLA: Barszcz, Mariusz Paweł, et al. "Zależności Z-R dla różnych typów opadów jako narzędzie do radarowego szacowania wielkości opadów". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, 2023, pp. 149-162.
Chicago: Barszcz, Mariusz Paweł, Stańczyk, Tomasz, and Brandyk, Andrzej. "Zależności Z-R dla różnych typów opadów jako narzędzie do radarowego szacowania wielkości opadów". Przegląd Geograficzny 95, no. 2 (2023): 149-162.
Harvard: Barszcz, M., Stańczyk, T., & Brandyk, A. 2023. "Zależności Z-R dla różnych typów opadów jako narzędzie do radarowego szacowania wielkości opadów". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 149-162.

Mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem services on a nationwide scale

Andrzej Affek, Anna Kowalska, Edyta Regulska, Jerzy Solon, Bożena Degórska, Jacek Wolski, Marek Degórski

Przegląd Geograficzny (2023) tom 95, zeszyt 2, pp. 163-186 | Full text

Further information


The concept of ecosystem services can contribute to improving the quality of life in cities, but it has to be operationalized before being implemented in spatial planning. The study aim is to present methodological solutions to assess and map urban ecosystem services on a nationwide scale, including methods for constructing and characterizing indicators. The selected examples cover all three sections from the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES): provisioning, regulating and cultural, as well as the three most frequently assessed aspects of services: potential, use and unmet demand. Sample indicators were calculated for all 20 functional urban areas (FUAs) with the metropolitan status in Poland, i.e. with population >250,000: as a whole and broken down into city core and commuting zone.

In the first example, the subject of the measurement was the potential of metropolitan areas for food production, and the proposed indicator was the share of land intended for agricultural production, both plant and animal. It was assumed that land intended for agricultural production is all agricultural land, which, according to the definition of the Central Statistical Office, consists of: arable land, gardens, permanent crops, including orchards, meadows and pastures, and other agricultural land. The area of agricultural land in total and per capita is considered as one of the most important indicators of food security. Statistical data from the Central Statistical Office, aggregated to the level of communes (local administrative units – LAU), was used in the calculations. Indicator values ranged from 41.8% (FUA Katowice) to 75.7% (FUA Lublin) for the entire metropolitan areas. For the FUA cores values ranged from 16.2% (Bydgoszcz) to 66.8% (Łódź). As for the FUA commuting zones, the lowest value was recorded in the vicinity of Olsztyn (44.1%), and the highest around Lublin (77.6%). Differences between the cores (on average 32.8%) and commuting zones (on average 60.2%) were statistically significant.

In the second example, the subject of the measurement was the use of trees to clean the air from anthropogenic particulate matter (PM) in metropolitan areas, and the indicator of using this service was the number of trees per person. PM contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. It was assumed that the more people there are in a given area, the greater is the production of particulate matter of anthropogenic origin, and therefore more trees are needed to reduce the concentration of these pollutants in the air. We used the Tree Cover Density layer from Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, map of individual trees for Warsaw obtained from the city hall and commune-level population data from the Central Statistical Office in the calculations. Indicator values ranged from 21 (FUA Radom) to 157 (FUA Olsztyn) for entire metropolitan areas. For FUA cores, the values ranged from 3 (for Rzeszów) to 11.5 (for Bielsko-Biała). As for the FUA commuting zone, the lowest number of trees per person was recorded in the vicinity of Katowice (48), and by far the highest around Olsztyn (440). The number of trees per person is definitely lower in the cores compared to the rest of the FUA, on average by as much as 123 trees per person.

In the third example, the subject of the measurement was the unmet demand for nature-based recreation in metropolitan areas, and the indicator was the share of residential area located more than 300 m from areas >2 ha dedicated to nature-based recreation (urban green spaces, outdoor sports and recreational facilities, forests, grasslands, and waters). Indicator values ranged from 6% to 42% in 20 selected cities (FUA cores). The lowest values (6-8%), reflecting the lowest level of unmet demand, were recorded in Olsztyn, Toruń, Szczecin, and the highest (42%) in Częstochowa and Rzeszów. Outside of FUA cores, levels of unmet demand for nature-based recreation in larger green spaces (> 2 ha) were higher (18-55%). However, the commuting zone is dominated by single-family housing with small-scale private greenery, and this is where local residents usually practice nature-based recreation, so the level of overall unmet demand for nature-based recreation is most probably not that high there.

The indicators described in this article were used primarily to present the research procedure, but the obtained results provide the basis for at least a general characteristics of Polish FUAs and their comparison with each other, as well as with other European FUAs. Significant differences in the values of indicators show that nationwide mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem services can be of great value when comparing urban centers and the quality of life of their inhabitants, as well as when drawing up urban development strategies.

The presented methodological solutions are scalable and can also be applied to supra-national, including pan-European studies. Furthermore, with the adoption of smaller mapping units and less aggregated source data, the presented approach can also be used for finer scale analyses, e.g. at the city or neighborhood scale

Keywords: ecosystem services, urban ecosystems, functional urban areas, assessing and mapping, indicators, Poland

Andrzej Affek [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
Anna Kowalska [], Department of Geoecology Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw: Poland
Edyta Regulska [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. S. Leszczyckiego PAN
Jerzy Solon [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
Bożena Degórska [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. S. Leszczyckiego PAN
Jacek Wolski [], Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN
Marek Degórski [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland


APA: Affek, A., Kowalska, A., Regulska, E., Solon, J., Degórska, B., Wolski, J., & Degórski, M. (2023). Mapowanie i ocena usług ekosystemów miejskich w skali ogólnopolskiej. Przegląd Geograficzny, 95(2), 163-186.
MLA: Affek, Andrzej, et al. "Mapowanie i ocena usług ekosystemów miejskich w skali ogólnopolskiej". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, 2023, pp. 163-186.
Chicago: Affek, Andrzej, Kowalska, Anna, Regulska, Edyta, Solon, Jerzy, Degórska, Bożena, Wolski, Jacek, and Degórski, Marek. "Mapowanie i ocena usług ekosystemów miejskich w skali ogólnopolskiej". Przegląd Geograficzny 95, no. 2 (2023): 163-186.
Harvard: Affek, A., Kowalska, A., Regulska, E., Solon, J., Degórska, B., Wolski, J., & Degórski, M. 2023. "Mapowanie i ocena usług ekosystemów miejskich w skali ogólnopolskiej". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 163-186.

Changes in components of the water balance of small mid-forest bodies of water in the River Prosna catchment (central Poland)

Mariusz Korytowski, Rafał Stasik, Michał Fiedler

Przegląd Geograficzny (2023) tom 95, zeszyt 2, pp. 187-210 | Full text

Further information


Be they a product of either an anthropogenic or a glacigenic nature, ponds within forests play an extremely important role in determining hydrological features of forest micro-catchments. Water retained in these small bodies of water for example has a positive effect on the groundwater of neighbouring forest habitats, serving to recharge them during dry periods.

This article presents the results of a study conducted in the catchments of two mid-forest ponds (known as Nos. 1 and 5), which differ in terms of their recharge characteristics. The ponds are located on the land of Poland’s Siemianice Experimental Forestry Department, in the catchments of the Rivers Niesob and Pomianka as left-bank tributaries of the Prosna. The forests are located on the Southern Wielkopolska Lowland, on the Wieruszow Plateau, which is a denuded moraine plain incised by the upper Prosna. The study was carried out in the three hydrological years 2013, 2015 and 2016, which differed in terms of their precipitation totals. The 2013 hydrological year, in which precipitation totalled 711 mm (hence 139 mm above the multi-year average) was a wet year, as compared with the very dry hydrological year 2015, which featured a precipitation total of 337 mm, or just 59% of normal precipitation. The third hydrological year discussed (2016) proved to be an average year, with precipitation totalling 613 mm thus being 41 mm above the multi-year average.

The catchment of mid-forest pond No. 1, featuring 100% forest cover and covering about 7.5 ha, is located in the basin of the Niesob – a left-bank tributary of the Prosna. This study catchment is dominated by mesic habitats (occupying 98% of its area), even as the area immediately adjacent to the pond is of the mixed wet forest site-type. In contrast, the catchment of pond No. 5, again with forest cover of 100% and an area of some 20 ha, is located in the catchment of the Pomianka, again a left-bank tributary of the Prosna. This catchment nevertheless resembled that of pond 1 in featuring a prevalence of mesic habitats, albeit with wet forest in the immediate vicinity of the body of water.

The soil cover of the analysed catchments is dominated by rusty podsolic and rusty brown soils (pond No. 1), or else typical acid brown soils (pond No. 5); with the predominant species being loamy sand. Characterisation in terms of basic morphometric parameters implies that mid-forest pond No. 1 (with an area of 0.13 ha and an average depth of 1.0 m) is in the nature of an exuvial pond of near-circular shape. The length of shoreline is 118 m, and the elongation and depletion indices are of 1.1 and 2.5 respectively. In contrast, pond No. 5 (with an average depth of 1.2 m and an area of 0.096 ha) is of rectangular shape and constitutes a drainage pond fed intensively from the northwest by spring water. This body of water formed as a result of human activity. The length of the shoreline of this pond is 136 m, and the elongation and depletion ratios are of 2.5. According to information from local people, it was used as a fish pond in the 1970s.

The bottoms of the analysed ponds Nos. 1 and 5 feature organic silt of 30 cm thickness on average, overlying weak clayey sand (pond 1) or light clay (pond 5). Meanwhile, the slopes of the ponds and soils of adjacent forest habitats show a prevalence of weak clayey sand. The study confirmed that the functioning of mid-forest ponds is determined mainly in line with their nature, as well as their morphometric features. At the same time, these characteristics exert a significant influence on separate components of the water balance in such bodies of water, with this going on to affect the water cycle in a given catchment area significantly. Greater variability of water level and reserves proved to be characteristic for pond No. 1 (which lacked an outflow), while the intensively spring-fed pond No. 5 displayed only minor changes in these quantities.

The example of mid-forest pond No. 1 suggests that small non-drained bodies of water (thus assigned to the so-called non-controllable retention of water) have trends for changes in water level determined by the course of meteorological conditions in particular. In a body of water of this type it is typical to observe disappearance below ground of any water table, in hydrological years that are dry or even average in terms of precipitation. And in the practical context of the protection of water resources in forests, this will need to be seen as something unfavourable. On the other hand, the hydrology of pond No. 5 is such that the influence of meteorological conditions in shaping states and related water reserves proves non-significant.

Our calculations point to the hydraulic linkage between the water retained in forest ponds and the groundwater of adjacent habitats, with this denoting both periodic outflow of water into soils and recharge with groundwater from adjacent habitats, in the case of pond No. 1. In contrast, pond No. 5 is subject to a unidirectional flow of water from the adjacent habitat into the pond. Results further point to the nature of the interrelationship between water retained in ponds and adjacent groundwater being under the strong influence of location within a catchment, plus prevailing physiographic conditions. However, a further important matter relates to hydrogeological parameters of formations present on and below nearby slopes; as well as in the immediate vicinity of a given pond.

Analysis of the percentage contribution individual components of water balance make over whole hydrological years serves to confirm that small undrained ponds like our pond No. 1 (with the so-called evapotranspirational or absorptive non-drainage) usually have such elements of vertical water-exchange as precipitation to the surface of a pond and evaporation playing a greater role in shaping the balance. In contrast, in the outflowing and intensively spring-fed pond No. 5, it was horizontal exchange factors, such as uncontrolled spring inflow and outflow to a nearby watercourse that did most to determine the balance. In this type of pond, vertical water exchange occurs less intensively than horizontal exchange and generates no fundamental change in the overall structuring of water


Keywords: water balance, mid-forest ponds, Niesób, Pomianka, Prosna, Central Poland

Mariusz Korytowski [], Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Inżynierii Mechanicznej
Rafał Stasik [], Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Inżynierii Mechanicznej
Michał Fiedler [], Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Inżynierii Mechanicznej


APA: Korytowski, M., Stasik, R., & Fiedler, M. (2023). Zmiany składników bilansu wodnego śródleśnych małych zbiorników wodnych w zlewni Prosny (środkowa Polska). Przegląd Geograficzny, 95(2), 187-210.
MLA: Korytowski, Mariusz, et al. "Zmiany składników bilansu wodnego śródleśnych małych zbiorników wodnych w zlewni Prosny (środkowa Polska)". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, 2023, pp. 187-210.
Chicago: Korytowski, Mariusz, Stasik, Rafał, and Fiedler, Michał. "Zmiany składników bilansu wodnego śródleśnych małych zbiorników wodnych w zlewni Prosny (środkowa Polska)". Przegląd Geograficzny 95, no. 2 (2023): 187-210.
Harvard: Korytowski, M., Stasik, R., & Fiedler, M. 2023. "Zmiany składników bilansu wodnego śródleśnych małych zbiorników wodnych w zlewni Prosny (środkowa Polska)". Przegląd Geograficzny, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 187-210.