Polish Geographical Review > For Authors > Reviewing procedure

Reviewing procedure

  1. Every paper is sent to two reviewers/referees. Editors develop collaboration with foreign reviewers; therefore Authors may occasionally receive review in English.
  2. Editors deal with the selected group of reviewers and referees, following the principle of competence or expertise in the subject-matter of the submitted manuscript.
  3. Reviewers are from outside of the Editorial Committee. A list of all collaborating reviewers is published on a yearly basis.
  4. All the manuscripts are reviewed pursuant to the rules of confidentiality and mutual anonymity (double blind peer-review). This means that at every stage of the reviewing procedure and preparing manuscript for publication, both a reviewer’s as well as an author’s personal details remain undisclosed.
  5. Each article accepted for publication is checked for plagiarism. When the malpractice is self-evident, the proceedings are launched in conformity with the COPE guidelines. Author(s) is / are fully responsible for the content of the article with regard to the third party copyrights.
  6. Submitting the manuscript for publication is tantamount to expressing approval by the Author(s) for launching the reviewing procedure practiced by the journal.